
pigsAs a farm owner/manager, it is your duty to convey the level of commitment you have to responsible animal care with every person who comes in contact with your animals. The See it? Stop it! initiative confirms the culture of care that you demand from each of these individuals and helps you instill that same level of commitment in each person who comes in contact with your animals.

cowThough uncommon on farms, when animal abuse, neglect, harm or mishandling occurs, it is essential to give animal care providers an opportunity to swiftly report what they have witnessed. See it? Stop it! gives you the tools to encourage and empower individuals working with or around your animals to immediately report any signs of deliberate animal abuse, neglect, harm or mishandling without retribution.

See it? Stop it! provides several options that enable employees to speak up to stop animal abuse. Ultimately, giving animal caretakers direction and tools ensures the best possible care of animals.

By participating in the See it? Stop it! initiative, you are confirming the integrity of your farm’s philosophies on responsible animal care. See it? Stop it! is neither an animal care program nor a certification program. It is a directive that demands immediate action if an employee suspects or witnesses animal abuse, neglect, harm or mishandling.

As a See it? Stop it! initiative participant, you will have an obligation to:

  • Provide education and promote the importance of proper and responsible animal care,
  • Encourage and enable employees to immediately report any signs of animal abuse, neglect, harm or mishandling,
  • Provide accessible and reliable contacts that have immediate authority to address reports of animal care concerns,
  • Take swift action to correct all instances of inappropriate animal care, and
  • Ensure employees who raise concerns in good faith are not penalized.

To implement the See it? Stop it! initiative on your farm, visit the materials tab for tools to help you empower your employees to speak up, and to help your employees understand how the initiative serves as an extension of your animal care goals and commitments.